Saturday, October 26, 2013

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken pot pie. Is there anything better? I say no. Well maybe winning the lottery or owning my very own island in the Caribbean. But among things I'm actually likely to experience in this lifetime, a homemade chicken pot pie sits pretty high on my list.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wisconsin: Poof, The Store Mascot

A little over a year ago, my dad opened a furniture consignment store in the Milwaukee area. While I was in Wisconsin, I would drive in with my dad every morning and was welcomed by this little guy...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Wisconsin: The Kettle Moraine State Forest

I've been visiting Wisconsin since I was a small child, but I rarely visit any of the touristy attractions. So this year, I wanted to visit at least one new place while I was there. I decided to visit the Kettle Moraine State Forest since it is just around the corner from Eagle, WI, where my folks live.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wisconsin: The Cow Goes Moo

In 2010, my dad and stepmom decided to abandon beach life in Galveston, Texas in favor of snowy winters lasting 8 months and almost non-existent summers in Wisconsin. They now live in a little town, actually a village, called Eagle. It is kind of out in the country at the edge of the Kettle Moraine State Forest and surrounded by tons of farmland. I recently visited their sleepy little abode and experienced some of the joys of life in Wisconsin...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Where did you go?

Friends, family, acquaintances, and random strangers reading my blog.... I'm back!! I'm sure you have been beside yourself wondering where I've been and why I haven't been blogging. Well maybe my promise of a daily recap was a bit overzealous. Maybe I should have promised monthly or weekly recaps… but it’s too late for that now because I already named this dang blog. So, I will try again to live up to its name or at least provide several updates a week. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Banana Bread

Bananas are my favorite fruit and probably one of my favorite flavors too. I pretty much like anything banana flavored... ice cream, yogurt, snow cones. I've even had banana beer. YUM! And since bananas are my favorite fruit I buy them a lot. I like them best when they are just starting to get ripe... like still a little green on the peel. But unfortunately, when I'm grocery shopping I tend to overestimate the number of bananas I think I will eat. So inevitably, I always end up with a few bananas that are less than ideal for eating. (At least in my opinion they are.) Now I hate to be wasteful and since I can't seem to calculate the appropriate number of bananas I'll eat in a week, I have to do something with these leftover bananas...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bathroom Makeover

When I moved into my first house last year I was so excited about being able to do whatever I wanted with it. I could paint, rip out carpet, change fixtures... anything I wanted! Well here we are 16 months later and I've done nothing. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Spicy Basil Chicken

I love Asian food. All types: Chinese, Thai, sushi, and so on and so on. I love it so much I've been known to eat it for multiple meals in the same day. Unfortunately, there are no good Asian restaurants near my house. Oh no! What is a girl to do?! Now, I could get off the couch, drive to my old neighborhood - which had tons of fantastic Asian restaurants - and eat out. But that's just too much effort. I'm already cozy in my yoga pants. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Avoid the Sewer Covers

Have you ever noticed how dogs will avoid walking over sewer covers on the street or sidewalk? 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beer, Brats, & Football

The beer and the brats were good today... not so much on the football though. The Packers just couldn't pull out a W today, but it's only week one and there is plenty of time to recover. Now on to the beer and brats! I experienced two firsts today: my first time cooking brats in a Crock-Pot and my first Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Football is Back!

I am so excited it's football season again! Not that I know many of my team's players or even what most of the plays are... but it's football! Football makes me think of crisp autumn weather (not that I know what that is like in Houston), fall holidays, and bundling up in sweaters and scarves (again, not very common here in Houston). And of course I love the tailgating that accompanies a football game.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Art of Sleep

Today was a crazy busy day! And thanks to that, today's post will be short and sweet... And by sweet I'm referring to Leo and Ava of course. Since I'm drained and ready to hit the hay, I thought I'd share some sleep themed photos of my little ones. Just looking at these pics is making my eyelids start to droop...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cleaning Schedule & Checklist

I like organization. Scratch that... I LOVE ORGANIZATION! I think everything should have a home. And when I'm done with something it should go back to that home. I also like to make lists: grocery lists, to do lists, home improvement lists, and so on and so on. I like the feeling of accomplishment when I get to check something off the list. I might be just a little OCD. Just a teeny-tiny bit.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ava the Watchdog

Ava fancies herself as some sort of watchdog... She positions herself so she has a good vantage point of everything going on outside the house. And then she proceeds to bark at everything...

Monday, September 2, 2013

Black Bean Pico

Black bean pico is delicious. Black bean pico is addictive. Black bean pico might be the best snack/dip/condiment EVER. I actually stole the recipe from my sister and have been masquerading it as my own for years. But in a way it is my own... her original recipe included corn. I do not eat corn. I made the corn hit the road in my version.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Welcome and thanks for stopping by! I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, but was struggling to find the right name and my original idea was already taken. Grrr. So back to the drawing board I went. I knew some of the content I planned on including on my blog... cooking, cleaning, craft ideas, and of course my pups. I didn't want to be tied to a specific theme, so you may find some other random thoughts and ideas thrown in from time to time. Finally I settled on "Rebecca's Daily Recap" in the hopes this would make me actually write everyday. We'll see how things go.