Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year, New Goals!

Hello 2014! It's been quite some time since I last posted anything... 79 days to be exact. Obviously this idea I had to write daily is not happening.  I think I set myself up for failure in the beginning by choosing a blog name with daily in it. And because I wasn't writing everyday, I felt like I was failing at what I set out to do, and then I really started to ignore the whole thing. 

For the new year, I've set a new goal for this blog that isn't so gosh-darn specific. Rather than saying I'll write everyday and then struggling to find something to write about, I'll write when I have something to say. So as you may notice, the name of the blog has changed simply to "Rebecca's Recap" rather than "Rebecca's Daily Recap".

My intense need for specific goals, resolutions, and plans tends to set me up to fail in other areas as well. So my goals for my life in 2014 are also somewhat broad-based, so I will stick to them and feel a sense of accomplishment. The goals are simple... eat healthy, get active, get my dogs active, be spontaneous and stop making excuses. And if I fall short one day, well I'll just pick up and keep going the next day. 

So here is a quick recap of how I'm doing...

Eat healthy... With the exception of a few slip ups this past weekend (thank you Whataburger), I'm doing well. Lots of veggies, fruits (clementines are my new fav!) and lean protein. 

Get active... A few girls in my office and I have started walking every day for 15 minutes. And that silly elliptical statue... I mean elliptical machine at home is getting used almost every day now!

Get the dogs active... We've been keeping to our daily walk schedule the whole year. No slip ups here! 

Be spontaneous and stop making excuses... This past weekend I was invited to see a band play on Friday night. The invite was extended late Thursday evening and normally I would have found a reason to say no, because it wasn't planned out well in advance. But instead I said yes, had a wonderful time, and got to see friends that I hadn't seen in months. I also agreed that night to join a bowling league! More to come on that!

How are you doing with your goals and resolutions for the new year? 


  1. Awesome!! Glad you are back in the blog world. I used to try and blog every week day and I go in phasing. Sometimes it's every week day and sometimes it is once a week. It all depends on what I have to share! :)

  2. Thanks Emily! It's good to be back. Although you will probably see some very out-dated posts in the near future... things I started writing last year, but never finished.
